Most pieces (except pika calls) can be licensed for use through Public Radio Exchange.
April 11, 2014
Rain Barrels at home are an easy inexpensive way to make a real difference for local water quality. And why pay for water you can get for free?
April 5, 2014
Take a journey with a parent and child as they explore the wilderness in search of their favorite mountain mammal, the American pika.
March 30, 2014
Home-grown eggs are great tasting, good for you, and can come in a variety of gorgeous colors - enough to make even the pickiest Easter bunny proud.
March 27, 2014
In-vessel digester technology converts food scraps and other organics into rich compost quickly and efficiently, with the possibility of revitalizing depleted soils locally and around the world.
March 24, 2014
Vermicomposting, or worm composting, is a climate-friendly and easy way to convert kitchen scraps into rich compost for houseplants and garden.
Cool and Green Pre-loved Clothing
Dec. 7, 2006 (©SECN 2006)
Follow a typical debt-ridden student on her journey discovering how to be fashionable and eco-savvy at a tenth of the cost!
Piece by Mark Smith with narration by Meha Jain.
What We Think of Global Climate Change
Oct 26, 2006 (©SECN 2006)
Get a snapshot of various student views on how serious they feel the issue of global climate change is.
Produced by Rebecca Nyquist, Meha Jain, Susan Lyons, Mark Smith and Ruthie Schwab. Edited by Shana Weber.
Sep 21, 2006 (©2006 S.S.Weber)
Nothing like a little potty humor to lighten up your day. Take a walk on the funny side of office life as I interview co-workers about how they like the new super-low-flow dual-flush toilets we’re testing out.
September 12, 2006
Urban and suburban dwellers are beginning to catch on to the joys and benefits of raising chickens in their back yards, and many cities are supporting the trend.
Jun 14, 2006 (©2006 S. Weber)
What’s the perfect gift for the dad who doesn’t want anything? Try this on for size: carbon credits for his driving. And not just any carbon credits, but credits made from cow dung.
May 31, 2006 (© 2006 S.Weber)
Shana Weber interviews Francesca Grifo, Senior Scientist for the Union of Concerned Scientists, concerning the recent letter of protest submitted to the Director of the EPA by union presidents representing thousands of government scientists.
May 24, 2006 (© 2006 S.Weber)
Have you dreamed of getting 100+ miles per gallon out of your hybrid car? Well, dream no further.
May 17, 2006 (© 2006 S.Weber)
Penn State students delivered over 4500 letters and sat for more than 24 hours on the doorstep of the university President, demanding reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
April 12, 2006 (© 2006 S.Weber)
Idling cars, busses and trucks account for some of the worst particulate pollution in our air. Schools are starting to ban idling in front of their doors, and even the trucking industry is starting to take notice.
Apr 3, 2006 (© 2006 S. Weber)
The Alaska Board of Game recently passed a new hunting regulation allowing trapping of the collared pika (Ochotona collaris), a small and very specialized member of the rabbit family threatened by global warming.
In March 2006 the Upper Tanana/Fortymile Advisory Committee proposed pika hunting to the Board of Game, who then justified its adoption with bad science.
The Board of Game claims that pika have high reproductive rates, a statement that is categorically untrue according to the scientific literature and pika experts.
Feb 15, 2006 (© 2006 S.Weber)
Biofuels, fuels made from plants, may be one antidote to our fossil fuel addiction. Since they come from plants, there is no net carbon dioxide released into the air. The plants absorb the same amount of CO2 as they grow that is released when they are burned.
Dec 14, 2005 (© 2005 S.Weber)
The amount of garbage going to landfills during holiday seasons is astronomical. The season of gift-giving is no gift to the Earth! Consider reusing those ribbons and sending a few electronic holiday cards this year and take a load off the planet.